Wholesale Pricing Discount Files

When you open the Wholesale Pricing Discount app, each time it dynamically adds/replaces all required files . Please don't change anything inside these core files for the app to be functional. Also, any changes made to these files will be removed when you open our app.

Below is the list of all liquid snippets categorized with the pricing plan.

Basic version

  • wcp_discount.liquid - The core of wholesale pricing discount that calculates the discount for a product. It should be included at the very top of the liquid files which render the product price.

  • wcp_variant.liquid - It is responsible for calculating the variant level discount and should be included under the variant line.

  • wcp_product_json.liquid - To get all the discounted prices in a JSON object, use this file. This is useful to replace default product/variant prices by discounted prices in JavaScript code.

  • search.wcp_cart.liquid - This is useful when requesting cart data from a JavaScript file to get a JSON object for the cart with discounted prices.

Professional version

  • wcp_net.liquid - it is responsible for rendering the net order form and handling net order related code.

Enterprise version

All below three files are responsible for the rendering of the volume discount table and handling calculations.

  • wcp_vd_discount.liquid

  • wcp_vd_product.liquid

  • wcp_vd_table_change.liquid

Last updated